[nycphp-talk] What's your favorite shopping cart? Why?

Kevin Sheurs kevin at
Tue Aug 31 16:05:27 EDT 2010

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at>wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Robert Kim Wireless Internet Advisor
> <evdo.hsdpa at> wrote:
> > Hey guys... im doing a blog post about shopping carts because Im
> > getting more and more questions recently about ecommerce... prolly
> > because retailers are closing down! UGH!
> >
> > But i figure... this is the place to ask... what's your favorite
> > shopping cart and why? Pros and cons?
> The big dedicated commerce platform out there is Magento:
> They are getting more and more aggressive with converting from FOSS to
> paid downloads, but are currently still open source.
> There's also Tienda, which is a Joomla-native suite of commerce tools:
> My preference is the DIY approach, but that's mainly due to people
> only coming to me with very specific needs that don't settle well with
> the one-size-fits-all solutions out there. My advice is to look at the
> features provided by the existing platforms, and weigh those with the
> requirements of the store you're trying to produce. Somewhere in there
> should be the justification for the "Build or Buy" decision that
> should be your first task. :-)
> -- Mitch
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