[nycphp-talk] YAML and Database Definitions

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Feb 10 10:23:37 EST 2010

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Justin Dearing <zippy1981 at> wrote:

> Just a few notes. Ken has stopped maintaining and using Andromeda.

Hmm, any idea why?  I could never get into it because I work for clients in
shared hosting aka mysql environments but he was really gung ho for a while.

> Donald Organ has taken over maintenance of it and wants to rename it
> Postgres on PHP. I've never heard of doctrine, so I don't know if the
> formats are the same. I doubt the formats would be the same.

You can define your table structures in YAML or PHP and Doctrine will
automagically create all the table classes and getter/setter methods.  Also
adheres to foreign keys, so if you know that each order entry item is
associated with an order, and you try to add a new order line item, the
classes flow that up to adding an order as well.

There are some similar things for Ruby, such as but the more digging I do, the
only "standardized" items I find are config files[database name, server,
username, password] not DDL

Oh well, score 0 for cross platform/language coolness.

> Also, what does your dad use to define the Access databases?

Knowing him...and this is purely a guess, I'd guess that he uses Erwin and
exports that DDL and runs it through DB2.  Once he has a traditional
database format, he can point access to the database and import the
definitions and Access will create it's lame internal structure based on

That's just a guess, but generally everything is done with DB2 and then
migrated to whatever platform he is really going to us.
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