[nycphp-talk] Enterprise/Commercial CMS with Support?

lists at lists at
Tue Feb 16 15:28:02 EST 2010

Can anyone kindly recommend a PHP/MySQL-based CMS that would be
appropriate for an enterprise situation? I've done some googling on the
subject, but I'm not coming up with much--maybe I'm not searching for
the right terms.

The CMS will be used for both a corporate intranet and a public web
site. In the future it will likely also be used across multiple domains.
It will be hosted on existing Windows servers/IIS that can be
reconfigured to play nice with PHP/MySQL (the client doesn't want to
switch to *nix/Apache).

The requirements (the first two being must-haves) are that it should:

1.) Offer 24/7 support

2.) Be very easy to use for the average, non-technical end user
accustomed to using MS Word (editors will likely be department heads)

3.) Allow for fairly fine-grained user privileges

4.) Support multiple calendars with the ability for users to download
events in Outlook/iCal format

5.) Provide automatic newsletter sign-up and allow for the distribution
of multiple newsletters

6.) Provide a search function

7.) Provide a community blog with typical options such as categories,
tags, search, archives (by month) email to a friend, etc.

8.) Allow multiple RSS feeds


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