[nycphp-talk] Google Grants

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Wed Feb 17 09:50:36 EST 2010

>> Maybe private schools fall under the "membership or providing benefits
>> solely to memebers" exclusion.
> Could be, but then that applies to every non profit in the "education"
> sphere.  O

Only the non-profits that charge tuition or a membership fee would be
excluded.  I know of a google grants recipient that provides
tutoring/mentoring for inner city kids.  It is in the education
sphere.  Teach for America has google grants.

>>  I really think they are looking for
>> causes to support
> Perhaps.  Their program is fairly broad and they don't provide any
> feedback[It is not atypical for this application to take 4-9 months to
> process and they don't provide any updates on where it is in the queue]

Typical google.  No one there is allowed to say anything about
anything.  They are so paranoid about making all external
communication come from the highest levels, that their individual
support is terrible.

> I generally tell small businesses to avoid adwords because of Google's
> method of juicing their pricing.   So I'm not even sure this is a legitimate
> program, or if it is just a way Google uses to advertise the
> program[figuring non profits will give up on waiting and just start paying
> them].

Adwords is hard.  It is easy to burn through a ton of money if you
don't know what you are doing.

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