[nycphp-talk] Web 2.0 "how to talk like you know something" presentation

Gary Mort garyamort at
Thu Feb 25 17:57:16 EST 2010

Over the winter break in Decemember, a lot of NYPHP's posted various amusing
presentations done tongue in cheek at various conventions.

One of which was MongoDB for DBA's.

However, another of which[or I just ended up seeing it as a related video]
was about "How to talk about Web 2.0 like you know what your talking

Basically a presentation on keywords to throw into conversations to act like
you know stuff.

I was talking to a friend the other day and she mentioned how she got so
sick of the word "dynamic" 5-6 years ago since she had to use it in every
proposal she did at her company, multiple times.  And I was going to show
her this video because it was so funny.

But now I can't find it!

So, NYPHP's, come to my rescue and give me a laugh.  I really need it today.
 Pull out your most outrageous BSing presentation, bonus points for those
who can find the one I refer to based on so little info.  [Mitch, you need
not apply. :-)]
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