[nycphp-talk] IIS 7, trigger_error, and Large File Uploads

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sun Jan 3 17:41:51 EST 2010

Oh my :)

I'm developing an application running under IIS 7 using FastCGI and PHP 5.3.
I've used the recommended installation procedures from MSFT for getting
things setup using their Web Platform installer.

1.  When I call trigger_error, where does the error go?  When I have
display_errors on, it's displayed to the browser, but I never see it in any
logs.  There's a php-errors.log file that gets parse errors/etc from
scripts.  However, my trigger_error calls never seem to reach any log file -
where does it go?

2.  I need to handle 200mb+ file uploads.  I'm aware of the all the caveats
to this, and have set what I've thought to be appropriate limits in php.ini.
I'm apparently hitting some other timeout/limit from IIS 7, though.  After
roughly 60 seconds, I get a server 404 message.  I've done some research and
have seen this error comes up with ASP developers, and so I don't think I'm
hitting a PHP limit/timeout (yet).  I've looked at IIS setting
MaxAllowedContentLength, but it's default value is apparently at 2gb.  Any
thoughts on how a resolution, or at least how to debug what limit is getting

Of course, if I could figure out #1, I may be better able to debug #2 :)


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