[nycphp-talk] email system for website

Gary Mort garyamort at
Sun Jan 3 19:31:47 EST 2010

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Tim Lieberman <tim_lists at> wrote:

> This seems a bit like overkill.  After all, queueing email for delivery is
> exactly the job that sendmail et al were designed to do.
> Your typical email message can be templated as a simple sprintf()-style
> format string, which you can keep in the filesystem, or database, or
> whatever.  There are also plenty of libraries you can use for composition,
> if you prefer (SwiftMailer and Zend_Mail come to mind).
> Then you'll want some code to generate email content, and some code to pass
> it off for delivery.
> The last bit (passing it off for delivery) should probably be more than a
> call to mail() -- but to start, just write a sensible abstraction that wraps
> mail().  If you later find you need something more involved (for instance,
> you want to use an external SMTP server, or you find some real need to write
> your own queuing system as you described), you can swap out the
> implementation pretty easily.
You can use both PHPMail and SwiftMail to do user authenticated delivery of

I highly recommend using Google Apps for business for email rather than
hoping your web service provider is keeping up on keeping their servers out
of blacklists.  The downside of Google Apps though is you do have an  hourly
throttle of, I believe, 500 emails an account for free service, and 2000 for
a paid account.

As such, doing your own internal queuing process can be useful to stay
within the throttle.

Also use subdomains to identify mail and avoid blacklists.  IE send your
automated anouncements from, send your reminders from, if you ever let users forward stuff to each other,
stick that on it's own domain, or if you give them email

Reserve for internal use only, person to person communication.

This way if any one system is subverted for a spammers purpose, your other
email continues to flow.

The free account is more than sufficient for a site that has yet to take off
commercially, by the time you hit the limits you should have a plan in place
that makes it worthwhile to spend $50/year for the business account.
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