[nycphp-talk] IIS 7, trigger_error, and Large File Uploads

Gary Mort garyamort at
Mon Jan 4 09:50:34 EST 2010

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Hans Zaunere <lists at> wrote:

> Oh my :)
> I'm developing an application running under IIS 7 using FastCGI and PHP
> 5.3.
> I've used the recommended installation procedures from MSFT for getting
> things setup using their Web Platform installer.
> 1.  When I call trigger_error, where does the error go?  When I have
> display_errors on, it's displayed to the browser, but I never see it in any
> logs.  There's a php-errors.log file that gets parse errors/etc from
> scripts.  However, my trigger_error calls never seem to reach any log file
> -
> where does it go?

Have you looked in the windows event logs?  A lot of applications in windows
route errors there instead of the "normal" spot because that is the "normal"
spot for windows.

Also check out LogParser,'s
a great tool for querying the event log like a database and getting
more reasonable data out of it.  What I especially liked about it was that I
could setup an ssh or telnet server on the windows box, tunnel into the
machine and run it from a dos prompt - avoiding having to use a remote
control desktop software and all the fun lag that entails! [And if your on a
LAN, you can even map a network drive to the server and run it from your
machine and access the logs on the remote machine]

Lastly, as years ago when I was consulting at IBM I know IBM
had ported Apache to I was constantly telling the group I was
working with that they should migrate to Apache instead of using IIS.   IIS
at the time was quite problematic because you had windows file permissions
AND then you also would specify IIS file permissions for web server users.
So tracking down permission issues for a directory was overly complicated.

There was also the added plus that the server was a dual use server, both
web and file server.  So if someone was logged on to the server for file
access, and they used Internet Explorer IE would use NTLM to log on to the
web server automatically, so users would not get prompted and would
sometimes have the wrong web userid.

Bottom line, I highly recommend trying to convince them to use Apache for
Windows rather than IIS if at all possible.  Even if it is just doing a
weird proxy thing, where you use IIS as the frontend and proxy requests for
the PHP stuff to localhost:88 and run Apache there, it is much less
problematic in the long run.  But that is based on my assumption that IBM is
still porting Apache to windows.

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