[nycphp-talk] utf-8, iso-8859-1...

David Mintz vtbludgeon at
Thu May 6 15:13:59 EDT 2010

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Chris Snyder <chsnyder at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Anthony Wlodarski
> <oneofthosed3afmutes at> wrote:
> > I second, full UTF-8 is awesome down the line for internationalization.
> >  First see if MySQL even supports UTF-8 on your system, execute: "SHOW
> > CHARACTER SET;" and utf8 should appear in the list.  Then "ALTER TABLE
> > tbl_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET charset_name COLLATION
> collation_name;".
> >  Since I have not done this myself I can't verify that it will rebuild
> > indexes on the table, I don't think it should but might want to look into
> > that as rebuilding indexes on a large table could be time consuming.
> Dirty secret - MySQL latin-1 tables will happily store and retrieve
> utf-8 data. They won't sort it correctly, though I believe they will
> sort it consistently.
> So even if your MySQL was compiled without unicode support, you can
> put utf-8 in and get utf-8 out.
> Of course, if you're going to take the trouble to convert, you should
> do it right.
> ____________________

OK, thanks. I am gonna bite the bullet and try to do it right.

Should there be a "AddDefaultCharset utf-8" directive in my apache vhost

How about php.ini -- set default charset? I imagine the latter would
override the former but if you're serving ant static (non-PHP) text/html...

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David Mintz
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