[nycphp-talk] Amazon's new Free Tier

Gary Mort garyamort at
Tue Nov 16 16:34:37 EST 2010

On 11/16/2010 3:18 PM, Jerry B. Altzman wrote:
> on 11/16/2010 1:58 PM Gary Mort said the following:
>> FYI, as a birthday gift to me[my birthday was October 20th and they
>> announced it on the 21st, clearly geared towards me!], Amazon has
>> introduced a new "free" pricing tier.
> Like everything else, beware that if you go over on ANYTHING, they 
> bill you. And it's only free the first year, after that, they bill 
> you. Nothing in life is free. :-)

Well, I figured I am posting on the NYPHP list, so anyone here concerned 
about going over would simply write their own monitoring script using 
the Amazon PHP class libraries... :-)

Seriously though, I've gotten very tired of doing things from the 
command line and while the various dashboards are nice...either their in 
Java(yuck!) or they don't do what I want, so I figure I'm going to be 
writing a simple dashboard/monitor anyway - I hadn't considered of 
monitoring usage against the free tiers, but now that you mention it, 
that's a good idea.

For me, the "free" micro hours are useful as it lets me model things 
like setting up apps to monitor load on a set of instances and then spin 
up extra servers as load goes up.  Something I wouldn't want to go out 
of control on a pay per hour system[as even one mistake can be pricey], 
but with 750 free hours a month, I could muck up and launch 100 
duplicate instances and still only be down 100 "Free" hours.

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