[nycphp-talk] silent failure with PHPUnit and Zend Framework

David Mintz david at
Thu Sep 23 10:18:09 EDT 2010

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Chuck Reeves <chuck.reeves at>wrote:

> Do you have any test classes that are missing test methods?
> Also turn on error_reporting since PHPunit cannot catch fatal errors
> Thanks for the suggestion.

I cranked up error_reporting to E_ALL and found a couple of 'undefined
index' warnings, and fixed them. I found one class to be a stub, empty of
actual tests, so I put a $this->assertTrue(true) in it (now that's my kinda
test!). Result is the same.

It would be a PITA but I guess I could start removing test classes/files one
by one until I isolate the offender. Bleh.

David Mintz
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