[nycphp-talk] set datadir in mysql config

Glenn glenn310b at
Mon Jan 3 20:28:11 EST 2011

I don't have a definitive answer but I got curious and found this.

So maybe there is an issue where files are not closing properly.
...and restarting mysql reset the open files counter?

or something like that?



On Jan 3, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Nicholas Hart wrote:

> I am trying to configure mysql to use a different datadir than  
> default in order to move this to a larger volume.  I have copied all  
> mysql data from /var/lib/mysql to my new volume and ran both chown - 
> R mysql:mysql * and chmod -R 660 *  in order to setup correct  
> ownership and rights for the data.  It was working for a few days  
> until today upon going into mysql and typing show databases, I  
> receive the following error:  ERROR 1018 (HY000): Can't read dir of  
> '.' (errno: 24).  I quickly double checked my rights and found them  
> to be correct, then I restarted mysqld and this has fixed it for now.
> Has anyone else run into this problem?  I am concerned that it will  
> happen again if the actual cause is not corrected.  I am running the  
> latest Fedora on new quad core Dell hardware with 24GB RAM and 1.7TB  
> of disk.   Any help and/or suggestions much appreciated.  Thanks.
> Nick
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