[nycphp-talk] How does one suggest improved variable scoping for PHP?

Jim Williams jim at
Wed Nov 16 11:12:58 EST 2011

I just ran across a simple problem I couldn't solve, namely to create a 
function that does the opposite of array_filter, call it 
array_sanitize.  The closest I could come doesn't work for anonymous 

   function array_sanitize($array, $filterName) {
     $negFilter = create_function('$arg', 'return !'.$filterName.'($arg);');
     return array_filter($array, $negFilter);
   $a = array('a'=>6,'b'=>1,'c'=>4,'d'=>9);
   function isOdd($arg) { return $arg % 2 == 1; }
   print_r (array_sanitize($a, 'isOdd')); // outputs 'Array ( [a] => 6 
[c] => 4 )'

If we had variables of intermediate scope, call them "regional" 
variables, we could do this:
   function array_sanitize($array, $filter) {
     $negFilter = function($arg) {
       regional $filter;
       return !$filter($arg)
   return array_filter($array, $negFilter)

So, my question is how and whether to advocate the need for variables of 
intermediate scope.
Specifically, is there a public forum for suggesting improvements to PHP?

Jim Williams
J. G. Williams Design

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