[nycphp-talk] Most common Framework

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Wed Sep 14 15:40:28 EDT 2011

On Wed, 14 Sep 2011, Kristina Anderson wrote:

> The framework choice is always less important than having a 
> well-designed database underlying your code.

One could argue, that there's no replacement for sound engineering and 
that the greatest framework is your own brain.

Its important not to get caught up in any hype surrounding one tool 
or another. There's that (now classic) post from the CD Baby guy who was 
all set to jump into Rails but ultimately rewrote his own PHP framework 

As he says in the post: "But the main reason that any programmer learning 
any new language thinks the new language is SO much better than the old 
one is because he's a better programmer now!"


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