[nycphp-talk] Most common Framework

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Wed Sep 14 16:52:16 EDT 2011

On 9/14/11 4:44 PM, Jesse Sanford wrote:

> Symfony 1.X is probably still more widely used than Symfony 2.x and
> both are good. Although 2.x is a far more abstracted and multipurpose
> framework 1.x is still great for the usual 3 tier webapps. Both are
> very well documented.

Its interesting to read about how componentized Symfony 2.x is - Drupal 
are planning to use some of the components in a future release.

> If I was to pick a framework to run with on a new project I would
> probably pick Symfony 2 because of it's forward thinking architecture.
> It can seem overly complex so be warned. If you haven't already heard
> of things like dependency injection or service containers you may feel
> a little lost. The good thing is that there is a bunch of
> documentation to get you up to speed. Also it makes use of useful
> things like ESI and... HTTP... who knew!

Or just pick one or two components out of Symfony 2.x and build your 
apps around it...


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