[nycphp-talk] un-escape db content using php or ADOdb functions

Eugenio Tacchini eugenio.tacchini at
Wed May 2 11:29:16 EDT 2012

I've read your interesting article:

I have a couple of questions about the function fix_magic_quotes:
1) Why do you disable magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_sybase via
ini_set? Fixing the content escaped by magic quotes should be enough
in my opinion, am I wrong?

2) As far as I know, stripslashes is affected by magic_quotes_sybase,
s  if magic_quotes_sybase is on, both addslashes and stripslashes work
in a  sybase-style way. For this reason I don't think you need to use

And finally a more general question: are you aware of any method for
un-escaping content based on db-specific escape function? I mean
something  kuje stripslashes but specific so: the counterpart of
addslashes is stripslashes, is there any counterpart  for
mysql_escape_string or for the adodb function qstr or the PDO quote
I know that, in an ideal world, we don't need them but if an
application has been build using a "escape everything" approach and
you need to work with that, you need to unescape content when you
don't use it in a query  and stripslashes doesn't work if you switch
from addslashes to something  like adodb->qstr.

Thanks in advance.


Eugenio Tacchini DaDaBIK database front-end

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