[nycphp-talk] What Distro?

Lee Gold leegold at
Fri May 18 17:57:51 EDT 2012

I'm learning and not a Unix guru bit FWIW,

Do it yourself and learning: Ubuntu Server the latest  LTS (long term
service) version. Learning curve isn't too steep and there's a good user
base for support, plenty of books and docs that are easier to understand
IMO than usual. 

If it's "critical mission" server then I think have a reputable host
with a team of experience sysops do it for you using FreeBsd.

On Fri, May 18, 2012, at 03:32 PM, Federico Ulfo wrote:
> Dudes, I've an Amazon AWS account and I just got a Rackspace account, now
> I
> need to configure a Linux server for a LAMP stack. In AWS I've installed
> Debian, but somebody suggested me Gentoo because of the smaller
> footprint,
> what's your suggestion?
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