[nycphp-talk] talk Digest, Vol 67, Issue 18

Jimmy Fountain jimmy.fountain at
Fri May 18 20:28:25 EDT 2012

I was using AWS/Rightscale at my last job, we had a dedicated server admin who I helped out, many problems.  I've been using Rackspace cloud since it was called Mosso (and was horrible) with Ubuntu 10.04 for which I'm the sole admin and spend most of my time coding.  

Generally Rackspace has been pretty good, they do have one serious problem.  If a server in your "cluster" gets hit with a DDOS then it your site will be inaccessible while they negate it.  Usually this happens for 5-10 Min. about every 2 months to our cluster (the DDOS has never been to our site directly).  A tech there described it as a known problem with internal switching they have but they don't have a solution.  Maybe the openstack shift may fix this.  

Otherwise I've been pretty happy With Rackspace and Ubuntu.  I believe the new 12.x LTS is out and if Rackspace has it as an option I would use that. 


On May 18, 2012, at 6:59 PM, talk-request at wrote:

> Re: What Distro?

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