[nycphp-talk] What PHP tools are you using?

D. J. Waletzky dj at
Wed May 30 12:27:50 EDT 2012

I know this may not apply to most people here, but I've been doing PHP
development on Linux and UNIX systems since 2000...

Developing on Linux, I've been using gedit most of the time lately--it's
a nice compromise between the lightweightedness of Vi or Pico/Nano, but
with all the standard text editor features of a GUI (multiple undo,
mouse-based nav and selection, etc.) with the added benefits of
automatic syntax highlighting for PHP (and many others) as well as my
favorite feature, RegEx-compatible search and replace with escapable

I used to be heavily devoted to Quanta+; if someone picked up developing
that again I would be using it exclusively. Quanta+ did all the stuff
Eclipse did without being as obtuse about it; I recall having to
document a sprawling crufty project as my first task at a new job, and
my boss being amazed that I could just go through every variable,
function, object, include file and so on through Quanta's handy sidebar.
But alas, my new job requires me to code in HTML5, which Quanta doesn't
support; gvfs support is also very spotty in KDE applications.

Another great open source editor for PHP is Geany, which could use a bit
more development and will soon match or surpass Quanta's value in GNOME.

I'd say contextual highlighting is really useful. Even more useful are
features like Quanta's bracket highlighting, which will visually show
you where your brackets, parentheses and brace blocks open and close.

I don't know if there are easy ways to use these tools on MacOS or
Windows, but I'm sure it's possible... even though they're open-source,
it may cost you too much time to set up GNOME on a non-UNIX machine.

--D. J.

On Tue, 2012-05-29 at 18:02 -0400, Federico Ulfo wrote:
> Hey guys,
> what tools do you use to develop in PHP? Are you using Jenkins with
> all the fancy plugins? And what about the IDE?
> I'm installing Jenkins PHP (finally) and as editor I'm using Netbeans
> 7.2.1 on OSX with PHPUnit plugin, I've also tried to install Code
> Sniffer and Mess Detector plugins but with no success (so if you know
> how, please let me know). 
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