[nycphp-talk] form and database solutions, particularly with large records without a common schema

Hans Z zaunere at
Sat Nov 10 09:55:50 EST 2012

> MongoDB works great for storing documents like this altogether in one
> collection with varying schemas.  It makes it easy to query across all
> documents. But you could also accomplish something similar with an RDBMS

I would also recommend MongoDB for this type of thing - it's a perfect
fit for storing form data, especially quickly.

I'll also take this opportunity for a shameless plug.  I've finally
released the Framewire PHP Framework - - to
the public.  It's been in production for years, but just recently
released to the public, as you can see from the site :)  It provides
quick and easy form validation and CRUD with Mongo, while not getting
in the way should more complex things need to be done.


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