[nycphp-talk] OOP Newbie Building arrays in extended classes

Jeff Slutz jeff at
Fri Jan 25 17:51:14 EST 2013

I think you're looking for parent::__construct();

The child's __construct() will replace the parent's.  So if you want to run
the parent's you have to call it explicitly.


Jeff Slutz
3242 44th ST APT 3F
Astoria, NY 11103
c. 970.443.9390
jeff at

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:

> Okay, OOP newbie time again. In line 11 I declare an array. Per IRC
> conversations a day or so ago, line 49 has to go into the __construct
> function. However, the hope is that line 83 would add to what was done in
> line 49. It seems not to.
> I think because the extends doesn't actually call the __construct. Is my
> understanding correct? How would I achieve the goal of adding line 83 so
> that $roles included 'troop' and 'nco' for an object of class NCO?
> Thanks!
> Leam
> ####
>    1 <?php
>    2
>    3 require_once 'stat_array.php';
>    4
>    5 class Person {
>    6
>    7     public  $name;
>    8     public  $age;
>    9     public $gender = "Female";
>   10     public $skills = array();
>   11     public $roles = array();
>   12
>   13     public function __construct() {
>   14         $this->age = 10 + rand(1,7);
>   15         $this->gender = $this->roll_gender(50);
>   16         return true;
>   17     }
>   18
>   19     protected function roll_age($min, $max) {
>   20         return 17 + rand($min, $max);
>   21     }
>   22
>   23     protected function roll_gender($trigger) {
>   24         if (rand(1, 100) < $trigger) {
>   25             return "Male";
>   26         } else {
>   27             return "Female";
>   28         }
>   29     }
>   30
>   31     protected function add_skill(&$skill_array, $skill) {
>   32     // Note the array pass by reference, per ##php fluffypony
>   33         if (array_key_exists($skill, $skill_array)) {
>   34             $skill_array[$skill] = $skill_array[$skill] + 1;
>   35         } else {
>   36             $skill_array[$skill] = 1;
>   37         }
>   38         return $skill_array;
>   39     }
>   40 }
>   41
>   42 class Trooper extends Person {
>   43
>   44     private $rank_min = 1;
>   45     private $rank_max = 2;
>   46     protected $rank_class = 'rank_enlisted';
>   47     public $rank;
>   48     public function __construct($params) {
>   49         $this->roles[] = 'troop';
>   50         $this->age = $this->roll_age($this->rank_**min, 3 +
> $this->rank_max);
>   51         $this->gender = $this->roll_gender($params['**
> percent_male']);
>   52         $this->rank = $params[$this->rank_class][$**
> this->get_rank($this->rank_**min, $this->rank_max)];
>   53         foreach($this->roles as $role) {
>   54               $this->add_skill($this->**skills,
> $params['base_skill'][$role]);
>   55         }
>   56
>   57
>   58         return true;
>   59     }
>   60
>   61     protected function get_rank($rank_min, $rank_max) {
>   62         return rand($rank_min, $rank_max);
>   63     }
>   64
>   65 }
>   66
>   67 class Corporal extends Trooper {
>   68     private $rank_min = 3;
>   69     private $rank_max = 4;
>   70
>   71     public function __construct($params) {
>   72         $this->age = $this->roll_age($this->rank_**min , 5 +
> $this->rank_max);
>   73         $this->gender = $this->roll_gender($params['**
> percent_male']);
>   74         $this->rank = $params[$this->rank_class][$**
> this->get_rank($this->rank_**min, $this->rank_max)];
>   75     }
>   76 }
>   77
>   78 class NCO extends Corporal {
>   79     private $rank_min = 4;
>   80     private $rank_max = 6;
>   81
>   82     public function __construct($params) {
>   83         $this->roles[] = 'nco';
>   84         $this->age = $this->roll_age($this->rank_**min , 7 +
> $this->rank_max);
>   85         $this->gender = $this->roll_gender($params['**
> percent_male']);
>   86         $this->rank = $params[$this->rank_class][$**
> this->get_rank($this->rank_**min, $this->rank_max)];
>   87         foreach($this->roles as $role) {
>   88               $this->add_skill($this->**skills,
> $params['base_skill'][$role]);
>   89         }
>   90
>   91     }
>   92 }
>   93
>   94 class SNCO extends NCO {
>   95     private $rank_min = 6;
>   96     private $rank_max = 9;
>   97
>   98     public function __construct($params) {
>   99         $this->age = $this->roll_age($this->rank_**min , 10 +
> $this->rank_max);
>  100         $this->gender = $this->roll_gender($params['**
> percent_male']);
>  101         $this->rank = $params[$this->rank_class][$**
> this->get_rank($this->rank_**min, $this->rank_max)];
>  102     }
>  103 }
>  105 class Platoon_Officer extends Trooper {
>  106     private $rank_min = 1;
>  107     private $rank_max = 2;
>  108     protected $rank_class = 'rank_officer';
>  109
>  110     public function __construct($params) {
>  111         $this->age = $this->roll_age($this->rank_**min , 4 +
> $this->rank_max);
>  112         $this->gender = $this->roll_gender($params['**
> percent_male']);
>  113         $this->rank = $params[$this->rank_class][$**
> this->get_rank($this->rank_**min, $this->rank_max)];
>  114     }
>  115 }
>  116
>  117
>  118 class Company_Officer extends Platoon_Officer {
>  119     private $rank_min = 3;
>  120     private $rank_max = 4;
>  121
>  122     public function __construct($params) {
>  123         $this->age = $this->roll_age($this->rank_**min , 7 +
> $this->rank_max);
>  124         $this->gender = $this->roll_gender($params['**
> percent_male']);
>  125         $this->rank = $params[$this->rank_class][$**
> this->get_rank($this->rank_**min, $this->rank_max)];
>  126     }
>  127 }
>  128
>  129
>  130 ?>
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