[nycphp-talk] CentOS v Ubuntu

Gary Mort garyamort at
Tue Jul 16 10:55:52 EDT 2013

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Hans Z <zaunere at> wrote:

>  I am having a debate in our office over whether to continue with CentOS
>>> distro for use with our VM based servers (XEN) or switch to Ubuntu.  I have
>>> kept the belief that RedHat is better for servers while Ubuntu is preferred
>>> on the desktop.  I even have an Ubuntu desktop PC.  Just wondered what all
>>> of you think or recommend.  Thanks.
>> I'm always in favor of CentOS.  Nothing particularly against
>> Ubuntu/Debian, but I just don't have any reason to switch to the
> Actually, I take this back - it sucks.  I just had the honor of setting up
> Ubuntu for a project... I had to Google to find out how to get a command
> line prompt in it's UI, and then sort through the Amazon/MP3/etc
> advertisements on the desktop it installed.  Not to mention the 25% usage
> when idle so that it could draw all the pretty pictures for ads.
> Sorry, just had to rant a bit :)

You don't need to install the UI for a server.  However, I agree entirely
that since around 12.04/12.10 the Ubuntu desktop has become a bloated pile
of crud.  I especially disliked their "smart search" function which would
go out and search the internet and display ads for stuff at the same time
as it searched the local drive...all I wanted to do was find "Thunderbird"
 on the local system, I didn't need half a dozen ads for music relating to
that keyword - and I certainly didn't need the performance drag!

For desktop use, I switched to Linux Mint Mate.   It is based on Ubuntu,
but it replaces their CPU intensive "Unity" desktop environment with a
modern version of "Gnome" which has a decent amount of eye candy without
impacting performance.   For those that really want the eye candy, Linux
Mint Cinnamon gives you that and still performs better.
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