[nycphp-talk] making a branch of filesystem publicly accessible via http with write access for some

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Mon Nov 25 11:26:20 EST 2013

Google Drive is okay, but requires a software install.

SkyDrive is bullshit -- have any of you actually tried it? Unless you
use Windows 8.1 there is no filesystem integration, everything has to
go through the Sharepoint client. Which means you can really only use
it with Office docs unless you manually want to shuffle files into and
out of Sharepoint.

In the same vein, Dropbox would be better than either one, but again
there's a software install.

I think WebDAV is the best idea posted so far. Windows 7 and later can
read/write to a WebDAV network location (call it the W: drive). So can
OS X, and any Linux. It's been around for a long time, mod_dav is a
decent implementation, well documented.

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