[nycphp-talk] Which MySQL API?

David Krings ramons at
Wed Feb 26 18:29:54 EST 2014

On 2/26/2014 4:48 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
> Re mysql_* deprecation, at least you can switch to mysqli_*, which works the
> same way -- update the function names and you're basically good to go.
> Unlike with SQLite, where you're forced to switch to PDO as of PHP 5.4. I have
> never been so glad that I was using a db abstraction layer as I was when that
> hit.

Ah, so my dusty knowledge of connecting to MySQL only needs to expanded by an 
'i' then. Whew! Although, why then even make mysqli when the commands are the 
same....We do not need to discuss this, it is what it is and we don't make the 

Thanks for all the clarifications.


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