[nycphp-talk] Better Way to Secure HTML Forms with Hash Tokens?

Felix Shnir felix.shnir at
Wed Jun 25 16:18:25 EDT 2014

One way of handling xss detection in your case would be to check if your
form/page is being framed. Something like != window would tell
you that. Based on this, you could notify the server to invalidate one time
token generated for this page if the page is in a frame.
On Jun 24, 2014 12:09 AM, "Michael B Allen" <ioplex at> wrote:

> Hey,
> I've always used hash tokens in forms to sanity check POST requests.
> Meaning a random hash is generated on the server which is both stored
> in the session and emitted in a hidden field in the form so that when
> the form is submitted the server can remove it from the session and
> check it against the hash sumbitted with the form. If the client
> doesn't submit the one-time-token, there is no action taken.
> Just from Googling around it seems that this is fairly common, if not
> standard practice (Windows calls them "AntiForgeryToken"s). I found
> one claim that this actually thwarts CSRF and XSS although it seems to
> me that an attacker could use an async request to get a valid token
> before it submits the CSRF request. So I'm wondering if there is a
> better way.
> Specifically, my question is, is there anything about the legitimate
> request that would be reproducably different from the attacker's
> request (even though it was from the same browser instance - just not
> a page generated by the legit site) that could then be factored into
> the hash on the server?
> So does anyone have a clever technique they want to share (perhaps
> privately)?
> Mike
> --
> Michael B Allen
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