[zendframework] XAMPP file into htdocs permissions

trout swim gray3246t at
Mon Oct 31 00:25:51 EDT 2011

permissions pain

when i am in the process of placing -

a textmate file into XAMPP/htdocs i receive a password dialog window to do
the password thing.

the message is:

Type your password to allow TextMate to make changes.

What sticks out here is the words"  to allow TextMate to make changes ".

i could do a screen shot of the window, it has a image icon of textmate and
a lock icon together. so it would "seem" to be a textmate issue ??.

i see that the directories in XAMPP are guarded in root and Admin.

i could change permissions, but , should i.

could a script to allow TextMate to enter do the trick.

i am new to bash. i have a book on bash on the way.

i have been working in PHP, MySQL and some Javascript, i know a little on
functions and such all. i have been trying to get thru the bash man pages.
i could spend a few months learning bash to circumvent having to enter a
password every time i would like to place a file into XAMPP/htdocs

any suggestions besides going to the state mental hospital.

Thank you.

here are some file permissions.

$ ls -la /Applications

drwxr-xr-x   3 moonspoon  staff    102 Mar 14  2011


$ ls -la /Applications

drwxr-xr-x@  8 root       admin    272 Feb 27  2010 XAMPP


$ ls -la /Applications/XAMPP/

total 32

lrwxr-xr-x   1 moonspoon  admin    17 Feb 27  2010 htdocs ->


$ ls -la /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles

drwxr-xr-x@   9 root    admin    306 Oct 30 13:15 htdocs
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