[nycphp-jobs] Experienced Developer at Affordable Prices

Anthony Papillion anthony at
Mon Jul 16 16:02:07 EDT 2007

Hello Everyone,

I'm an experienced LAMP developer with over 5 years experience with the platform as well as 15 years pro-level experience with general software development. I've worked with everyone from small, mom-and-pop, shops to large Fortune 500 corporations and I've delivered both on time and within budget. Currently, I'm looking for new clients who want to save money but still have the quality of solid American development.

My skills include:

- Full LAMP stack
- FLEX/Apollo 
- Classic ASP and ASP.NET
- Several web application frameworks (can quickly learn others)
- Various Linux Flavors (RedHat, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
- Web Services (via SOAP and REST)
- Web Development optimized for mobile delivery
- Full graphics design capabilities

If you're looking for a great developer, excellent prices, and responsive services, feel free to contact me at one of the ways listed below. I look forward to hearing from you and working to meet your project goals.

Anthony Papillion

Mobile:    (918) 926-0139
Pager:     (918) 220-2929
Email:      anthony at
GTalk:     anthony at
MSN:      cajuntechie at

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