[nycphp-jobs] Reaching Out Again For Assistance

Kristina Anderson ka at
Tue Mar 19 12:43:13 EDT 2013

Firstly, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to the several people
(Jerry, Dan, Paul) who have helped me with small issues over the past week
or so.  I know I have been under a huge amount of stress and that never
helps anyone think clearly or debug code.

Secondly, I would like to announce that I am still seeking someone who can
help me see this auction site project through to completion.  Since I have
started a full time job it is difficult to impossible for me to make the
time to do it and the client is just insufferable.  I don't want to paint
a rosy picture of the situation but I can say that there are only a
limited amount of things that do need to still be fixed.

If ANYONE has any time today please let me know, I am a longstanding
member of these lists, know many of you guys and can assure you I will pay
as promptly and as fairly as I can possibly manage for any assistance.



Kristina Anderson
PHP / MySQL / AJAX / etc / Systems Analyst / Programmer / Consultant
646 247 4987

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