[joomla] Rackspace

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Tue Oct 9 12:50:43 EDT 2007

> Gary, this is in fact where we met - I can get you in touch with Alex if
> you'd like (

Ahh, cool.

Right now it's more a question of finding out what is around.

Basically, I have to get in a dense urban mindset.  Out in suburbia, the 
idea of owning my own server and doing remote maintenance is just a 
royal PITA.  Especially as the uptime I require is a lot lower than 
industry standard(it's non mission critical).  This means I can cheap 
out on the hardware and still be fine.  The downside of cheaping out on 
the hardware is, of course, dealing with hardware failures.  Remotely 
this would be a pain, but in a place like NYC, it's a simple matter to 
swing by, pick up an HD, swap the drives, and done.

So now I want to get an idea of what the costs associated are to 
consider whether or not I want to go that route(yeah yeah, wasn't I just 
complaining last month about the headaches of setting this up?  But now 
I'm looking at AIM bots again and I'm reminded that having a system with 
large HD capacity and the ability to run daemons has it's plusses)

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