[joomla] Rackspace

Rolan Yang rolan at
Tue Oct 9 13:11:39 EDT 2007

Check out the dedicated server specials at
At ($49/mo) it's possibly cheaper than a colo and you don't have to 
spend money for the hardware.
I think if you pay one year in advance, there is an additional discount.
I've had a mail server hosted there for the past 2 1/2 years without any 

If you want to run your own server, but are not a fanatical security 
sysadmin, (formerly, which was formerly is a little bit more expensive, but they employ Tipping 
Point firewall, which, interestingly blocks application level attacks 
such as PHP include exploits, SQL injections, and other common 
vulnerabilities in popular apps such as PhpBB. I would not count on it 
to fully block all "0-day" exploits, but you might sleep better knowing 
that if you don't have time to immediately update PHPBB,  your machine 
less likely to get hacked overnight :)


bz-gmort at wrote:
>> Gary, this is in fact where we met - I can get you in touch with Alex if
>> you'd like (
> Ahh, cool.
> Right now it's more a question of finding out what is around.
> Basically, I have to get in a dense urban mindset.  Out in suburbia, 
> the idea of owning my own server and doing remote maintenance is just 
> a royal PITA.  Especially as the uptime I require is a lot lower than 
> industry standard(it's non mission critical).  This means I can cheap 
> out on the hardware and still be fine.  The downside of cheaping out 
> on the hardware is, of course, dealing with hardware failures.  
> Remotely this would be a pain, but in a place like NYC, it's a simple 
> matter to swing by, pick up an HD, swap the drives, and done.
> So now I want to get an idea of what the costs associated are to 
> consider whether or not I want to go that route(yeah yeah, wasn't I 
> just complaining last month about the headaches of setting this up?  
> But now I'm looking at AIM bots again and I'm reminded that having a 
> system with large HD capacity and the ability to run daemons has it's 
> plusses)
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