[nycphp-talk] HELP!!!!

Clay Givens cjtotheg at
Sat May 11 10:42:37 EDT 2002

Maybe try removing the second call to flush() from chat_login.php

On Sat, 11 May 2002, Phil Powell wrote:

> The example still doesn't work for me, though, here is the error:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: produce_menubar() in
> /users/ppowell/web/chat/chat_login.php on line 55
> Here is the code of menubar_functions.php:
> <?
>  // This function is the PHP version of the TCL proc PRODUCE_MENUBAR which
>  // will produce the menubar for all PHP files
>  //
>  // Syntax: echo PRODUCE_MENUBAR()
>  //
>  function PRODUCE_MENUBAR() {
>   global $HTTP_HOST;
>   $tcl = (preg_match("/\\bdyndns\\b/i", $HTTP_HOST)) ? "tclsh83" : "tclsh";
>   $path = (preg_match("/\\bdyndns\\b/i", $HTTP_HOST)) ? "cgi-bin" :
> "cgi-bin/cgiwrap/ppowell";
>   $fileID = fopen("http://$HTTP_HOST/$path/menubar.cgi", "r");
>   $menubar = fread($fileID, 1000000);
>   fclose($fileID);
>   return $menubar;
>  }
> ?>
> and the offending code in /chat/chat_login.php:
> <?
>   flush();
>   $menubarPath = "http://" . $HTTP_HOST . "/menubar_functions.php";
>   require_once($menubarPath);
>   flush();
> ?>
> Phil
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "George Herson" <gherson at>
> To: <soazine at>
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 9:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] HELP!!!!
> > hi.
> >
> > has a chat-based example,
> fyi.
> >
> > geo
> >
> > Phil Powell wrote:
> > > I don't know how categorize this one so I'll just shout out a plea for
> HELP!!!!!!!!
> > >
> > > I have the following .php file, menubar_functions.php, resting in the
> docroot:
> > >
> > > <?
> > >
> > >  // This function is the PHP version of the TCL proc PRODUCE_MENUBAR
> which
> > >  // will produce the menubar for all PHP files
> > >  //
> > >  // Syntax: echo PRODUCE_MENUBAR()
> > >  //
> > >
> > >
> > >  function PRODUCE_MENUBAR() {
> > >   global $HTTP_HOST;
> > >   $tcl = (preg_match("/\\bdyndns\\b/i", $HTTP_HOST)) ? "tclsh83" :
> "tclsh";
> > >   $path = (preg_match("/\\bdyndns\\b/i", $HTTP_HOST)) ? "cgi-bin" :
> "cgi-bin/cgiwrap/ppowell";
> > >   $fileID = fopen("http://$HTTP_HOST/$path/menubar.cgi", "r");
> > >   $menubar = fread($fileID, 1000000);
> > >   fclose($fileID);
> > >   return $menubar;
> > >  }
> > >
> > > ?>
> > >
> > > I have a file called chat_login.php that is resting in
> $DOCUMENT_ROOT/chat folder.
> > >
> > > I can't call menubar_function.php 's function PRODUCE_MENUBAR (Fatal
> error) from my file chat_login.php.
> > >
> > > What on earth do I do??!?!
> > >
> > > Phil
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >

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