[nycphp-talk] Denying multiple logins to restricted pages

Tracy tech_learner at
Thu Feb 27 00:54:35 EST 2003

i dont know if this would help, but if the users are required to sign up, then u can set the field in which u save the user's name to 'unique', this way, even while signing up, it would simplify the cross checking. 
coming to denying the same user name accessing at the same time, im not sure how that can happen. one thing that comes to me at present is that r u looging the sign in time? if thats the case, rnt u checking in regular intervals if s/he is currently logged in? one thing i experienced some time back was this: cos of some server mistake, mu mail account provided by my ISP was overridden ,and when ever i tried to log in, i kept getting an error message "u r already logged in. the inbox is currently in use". i am not sure if this is session related, but if this triggers some brilliant thinking, i'd be happy to have shared it with u all
 Ophir Prusak <ophir at> wrote:Hi All,

I'm creating a site that requires people to register and login for access to
certain pages.
I want to stop users from giving out their username/password to other people
by denying access to more than one person using the same username at the
same time.

I have a few ideas in my head, but would really like to hear from others
that may have already tackled this problem and what solution they came up

Also, I'm still debating what to do when I find out that indeed two (or
more) people are trying to use the same username.
Do I deny the latest attempt ?
Do I accept the latest attempt and then reject requests from all other
people using the same username ?


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