[nycphp-talk] Last night's meeting was another good one

Tracy tech_learner at
Thu Feb 27 01:06:24 EST 2003

is the presentation on cacing available for download?
 Matthew Zimmerman <mz34 at> wrote:I thought it was a great meeting. This is my second one and both have 
been great.

I am new to programming and PHP and I have enjoyed how the 
presentations are a good combination of practical information for 
newbies like me (caching, data filtering) and then some more detailed 
stuff (like web services, code optimization) that I hope to be able to 
use when I get to that level.

Great job to Hans and the rest of the team that puts together the 


On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 09:17 AM, DeWitt, Michael wrote:

> Even with the bagels arriving late (perhaps we were the last delivery 
> on
> Hans' route last night?), it was a great meeting. Many thanks to Adam
> Trachtenberg and David Sklar for their fun and interesting 
> presentations and
> of course the books which we jealously gave away.
> I think that we had about 50 attendees which were all comfortably
> accommodated through Digital Pulp's busting out of every chair and 
> couch in
> the place. Thank you very much Andrew for getting this coordinated.
> For those who could not make the meeting, I hope to post some pictures 
> and
> links to audio streams (realmedia) of the meeting by Friday. Keep your 
> eye
> on for my update.
> Mike
Matthew Zimmerman
Humanities Computing Group, NYU
Tel: 212.998.3038
Fax: 212.995.4120

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