[nycphp-talk] .htaccess user manager for PHP (similar to Auth Pro by; mod_rewrite + PHP

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Sat Dec 11 13:07:09 EST 2004

Hello Rolan, John and others,

thanks for your valuable suggestions. I will keep mod_auth_mysql in 
mind. It seems like a good solution, but it is probably not supported by 
shared hosts ... Still, useful to keep in mind.

John, your suggestion was quite good. I contacted the people at and it seems that their product is available with almost 
all the files unencoded when you buy it. I might end up going with that.

Thanks again for your help.

Best regards,

- Jay
PS: If anyone has good experience with mod_rewrite and wants to swap 
knowhow with me on something that I know (such as building remote XUL + 
PHP apps) please let me know. I am all for exchanging knowledge.

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