[nycphp-talk] Happy 7th of July... Sort of

Joel De Gan joel at
Wed Jul 7 11:50:02 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 11:52, Phillip Powell wrote:
> That is, of course, given the typical Joe User's understanding of 
> ActiveX.  Do you truly think that Soccer Mom and Factory Worker Dad is 
> an ActiveX hack and/or has knowledge of or access to Delphi6?


> I hate to say this, sometimes, we coders live in a world very far 
> removed from the rest of the known universe, the universe of "typical 
> people" that wouldn't know such hacks and would then not feel the need 
> to do so when surfing on Ebay for a 6-pack of beer.

This is very true, I should have prefaced that with "for a coder with
any experience..." which effectively knocks out 99.9% of the population.
I would like to that that people would be interested in programming, but
reality is that is like cars, a lot of people talk the talk, but still
take their cars into the shop to get the oil changed.

So yea, that was an ivory tower comment...

> Just a thought.
> Phil
joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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