[nycphp-talk] lazy initialization woes

Jason Perkins jperkins at
Wed Nov 10 21:10:46 EST 2004

On Nov 10, 2004, at 7:50 PM, Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, Jason Perkins wrote:
>> Failing this method, does anyone have any other suggestions on
>> implementing this type functionality?
> The first thing I would do is try is to sloppy way and just
> instantiate every object. I would then benchmark the performance and
> see if it's acceptable.
> Why stress out over a complicated programming solution when the easy
> one may work perfectly fine?

The notion was to use this as the basis for an ORM (ala Class::DBI or 
Ruby on Rails) and in that context, given the right circumstances, it 
could lead to unnecessarily loading <strikethrough>hundreds (or even 
thousands)</strikethrough> a shitload of objects. I'm headed out for a 
walk and a cig or two to mull this over.

Thanks for the suggestion, Adam.

Jason N Perkins

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