[nycphp-talk] lazy initialization woes

csnyder chsnyder at
Wed Nov 10 23:09:02 EST 2004

You've already guessed that this is pushing the envelope in php, but
that makes it kinda cool, too.

Does this seem like a bug to anyone else? It *should* work exactly the
way you expect it to, Jason.  I know that probably doesn't help right
now tonight.

Would it help to use a slightly different tack?

function __call( $class, $args ) {
  if(array_key_exists( $class, $this->relationships )) {
    if( $this->relationships[ $class ] == 'has_a') {
      if ( isset( $this->{$class} ) ) {
        return $this->{$class}->{$args[0]};
      else {
        $this->$class  = new $class( $this->id );
        return  $this->{$class}->{$args[0]};

print $sales_order->customer('name');

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