[nycphp-talk] heredoc string formatting question

Rick Olson rolson at
Thu Aug 10 19:31:01 EDT 2006

>> In the long run, it seems like a template system is the way to go.
> arrgg.. no offense the poster.. but.. why is adding abstraction and
> complexity always the answer?   Be a Smarty; don't drink that punch or
> eat those pears.  <very_old_rant /> PHP *is* a templating language!
> Maybe I'm old fashioned but clean and simple is my first effort.
You're right, it isn't always the answer. However...

It's generally easier to maintain a large project in a team environment 
when you add all that "complexity".  Clean and simple is a good concept, 
but when utilizing PHP as an application development language vs. a 
quick scripting language, it often becomes very cluttered without the 
abstraction, ultimately clashing with your attempts at keeping things 
"clean and simple" in the way I believe you were describing it.

Often times even that approach goes too far... *cough* Symfony + Propel 
*cough*  (I could rant on that for hours).

Just my thoughts.

Rick Olson

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