[nycphp-talk] heredoc string formatting question

cliff cliff at
Thu Aug 10 21:20:02 EDT 2006

> On the contrary, I think heredoc is a very valuable tool to have.

I'm torn on this one and have to try it first to see how many times I leave an
inadvertant space in front of the closing clause before I pass judgement.

> arrgg.. no offense the poster.. but.. why is adding abstraction and
> complexity always the answer?   Be a Smarty; don't drink that punch 
> or eat those pears.  <very_old_rant /> PHP *is* a templating language!
> Maybe I'm old fashioned but clean and simple is my first effort.

None taken. To me, the big issue is maintainability versus "clean and simple"
which often translates to "quick and dirty." I can knock out a deeply embedded
"email template" in minutes, and I'm the architect and programmer (a dangerous
beast), so its no big deal.

But what happens a year from now when I'm long gone and Joe MBA wants to
change that email message from "Thanks for visiting our web site" to "Thank
you for making me rich", and he wants it doen instantly so as not to impact
his tee time. Double quotes & heredoc simply don't cut it.

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