[nycphp-talk] heredoc string formatting question

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sat Aug 12 10:13:58 EDT 2006

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 06:07:17PM -0400, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> Thanks to all -- excellent suggestions all around. In summary, heredoc
> seems to be a waste. Too much room for error with a finicky editor and
> no major added benefit.

Huh?  The pure PHP approach via heredoc or plain old quoted 
syntax is the straight ahead way to go.  If you want the template 
separated from the logic, put it in an include file.

What's the room for error?  The editor changes the line endings from 
CRLF to LF or vice versa?  BFD.  All email programs can read either.  
Inadvertently indenting the heredoc's endpoint?  I've never had that 
happen in all my seven years of using PHP.

Template engines and languages are what's complex, finicky and add 
notable processing overhead.

This thread is talking about cutting butter with a chainsaw.


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