[nycphp-talk] A Joomla question

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Nov 10 09:06:04 EST 2006

Hi folks, I'm wondering if a Joomla wizard out there might be able to 
speak up and help me out.

I've joined and am using his templates for Andromeda 
apps.  I've written a simple compatibility layer and am just about at 
the point where I can drop in a Joomla template and have it JustWork(tm).

My question centers around menus.  These themes are making pulls out of 
a menu table and populating an array of objects.  I've modified the code 
so that it pulls from my own menu and builds a similar array of 
objects.  Question is, will this be compatible with templates from other 
sources?  Is the menu table in Joomla fairly uniform for everyone, or 
can there by wide divergences?
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