[nycphp-talk] A Joomla question

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Nov 10 09:59:07 EST 2006

On Fri, 10 Nov 2006, Kenneth Downs wrote:

> My question centers around menus.  These themes are making pulls out of 
> a menu table and populating an array of objects.  I've modified the code 
> so that it pulls from my own menu and builds a similar array of 
> objects.  Question is, will this be compatible with templates from other 
> sources?  Is the menu table in Joomla fairly uniform for everyone, or 
> can there by wide divergences?

Sorry if I sound stupid and unable to understand what you're trying to do: 
are you trying to write your own menus instead of using the existing 
component in Joomla?

Aj. (ajai at
Systems Administrator / Developer

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