[nycphp-talk] A Joomla question

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Nov 10 10:22:37 EST 2006

Ajai Khattri wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Nov 2006, Kenneth Downs wrote:
>> My question centers around menus.  These themes are making pulls out of 
>> a menu table and populating an array of objects.  I've modified the code 
>> so that it pulls from my own menu and builds a similar array of 
>> objects.  Question is, will this be compatible with templates from other 
>> sources?  Is the menu table in Joomla fairly uniform for everyone, or 
>> can there by wide divergences?
> Sorry if I sound stupid and unable to understand what you're trying to do: 
> are you trying to write your own menus instead of using the existing 
> component in Joomla?
Yes and No.

We do not actually use Joomla.  We only use Joomla templates.

We use the Andromeda framework, which is all about building database 
applications.  The menu is generated by Andromeda based on the database 
itself.  This is very very different from the CMS functions of Joomla, 
which we really don't need.

But Andromeda has no real UI component.  So we wrote a compatibility 
layer that opens up the world of Joomla templates for our use.  Now I 
can download a Joomla template, put it into my Andromeda app, and I have 
a UI.  So we have Joomla templates but no Joomla.

One of the attractions of these templates is they often have nifty 
drop-down menus, animated menus, and so forth.  But the template is 
trying to read from a Joomla table, which ain't there!  So I modify the 
database retrieval code to pull menu information from the Andromeda 
source instead. 

So this leads to my question:  Do all joomla templates read from the 
same menu table?  If they do, then what works for one will work for 
another.  That's what I'm trying to figure out.

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