[nycphp-talk] Cake v. Symfony

Paul M Jones pmjones88 at
Thu Sep 7 14:49:47 EDT 2006

On Sep 7, 2006, at 1:01 PM, inforequest wrote:

>>>> I used to be a big Smarty fan but coming under the spell of  
>>>> CakePHP and
>>>> seeing the intelligent way it uses/wants you to use good old PHP  
>>>> for
>>>> building views, my love of Smarty has cooled off.
>>> If David Mintz switching from Smarty to Cake is not a call for a  
>>> Symfony
>>> presentation at NYPHP, I'm a duck. I can't do it. Maybe somebody  
>>> can?
>> Oh no! You seem to be saying Symfony is better, so off I go to
>> and start sniffing at it... just  
>> what I
>> need, another crisis of faith. To continue learning to bake, or  
>> try to
>> become a composer instead?
>> Seriously, they both look like they have their strengths and  
>> weaknesses.
>> Cake seems a little rough-edged and the documentation is uneven,  
>> but it
>> doesn't make you write a lot of YAML.
> Yes, David, maybe Symfony is better (nudge nudge) and maybe cleaner
> (nudge), or easier to follow without docs (nudge nudge) or perhaps the
> docs are more complete. I can't *tell* you these things with mere  
> words;
> you need to *experence* them (nudge nudge) in order to fully  
> appreciate
> the symfony/cake comparisons (nudge nudge). Oh, and be sure to report
> back to the talk list, ok?   ;-)

[self-promotion] As long as we're examining frameworks, Solar <http://> may bear scrutiny as well. [/self-promotion]


Paul M. Jones  <>

Solar: Simple Object Library and Application Repository
for PHP5.   <>

Savant: The simple, elegant, and powerful solution for
templates in PHP.   <>

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