[nycphp-talk] capricious submission of forms

Nazmul Hassan xdarkshadow98x at
Sun Feb 11 08:34:36 EST 2007

well you can always build on the word filters you had there......with the
http:// and what not. have the form check for urls and words.
and, you could implement a sort of email block, for those spamers that stick
to one email.

On 2/11/07, Urb LeJeune <urb at> wrote:
>  It seem that any form on a web site attracts morons who capricious submit
> to these forms. I'm not talking about just hitting the submit button but
> rather
> a fully filled out form.
> In some cases, such as a guest book, their action is misguided but
> understandable. They want to advertise the sites selling little blue
> pills and stock recommendations. However, is some cases they make
> no sense at all such as submitting a bogus email address to a
> newsletter subscription form.
> I've done a few things, like disqualifying the submission of a guest book
> entry containg "http:// <http:///>" that have been fairly effective. This
> doesn't
> work for subscription type forms. These are especially annoying because
> they eventually require the time to manually unsubscribe these entries.
> Does anyone have any suggestions other then captcha.
> Thanks
> Urb
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(¯`·._.·[ ' Nazmul Hassan ' ]·._.·´¯)
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