[nycphp-talk] Recycling of ini files

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Sun Feb 15 11:20:16 EST 2009

Well try to reuse the php.ini files and check the log too see what
breaks,etc. Also, if your ini files are similar to the stock ones in
terms of layout use diff. Better yet find a gui merge tool. I use
winmerge on windows. I'm sure java or x11 ones exist.

On 2/15/09, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:
> Hello!
> Yesterday I applied patches and upgrades to my servers (Apache, MySQL, PHP)
> and while that worked out nicely except that I yet again have to recreate
> all
> the MySQL user accounts (in my case it is only a few, so I will survive) I
> wondered about the following:
> Can I recycle the ini/conf files for Apache and PHP going from version to
> version? I use Apache 2.x and PHP 5.x and the updates I put in were just dot
> releases, but since I spent endless hours tweaking especially the php.ini I
> wonder if it is OK to just keep using it. Any opinions?
> David
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