[nycphp-talk] Good project management tool?

David Krings ramons at
Mon Apr 19 07:15:05 EDT 2010

On 4/19/2010 0:41, Matt Juszczak wrote:
> What are you guys doing now-n-days to track things like lists of new
> ideas (with abilities to rank them/prioritize them), project
> documentation, ticket assigning, etc.?

I was confronted once with that issue and being on a 0$ budget I decided to 
write my own (it was better than paper and pencil, but still rapidly inhaled). 
That was several years ago and I am sure the offerings are much better now.
Aside from docs, the examples you mentioned can be done with any bug tracking 
software. The bugs/enhancements/ideas can be easily organized and assigned. 
They each get a number and for each development cycle you can use the numbers 
to do the project planning. It may be different in your case, but where I work 
the people who do the project management can care less what a bug is about as 
long as they know priority (which IMHO is high for any bug) and how long a fix 
is estimated to take. It is a bit different for new functionality, but even 
there the PM is more interested in a high level description. This works for us 
and our PM tools have no connection to the bug tracking. I can see how a 
connection would be nice, but I think a PM will not make much use of a link or 
it may become a source of distraction for the PM.
That said, you may want to look at two or three seperate tools:
- project management
- bug tracking / enhancement management
- customer support support tools (aka CRM, but you should have relations with 
your customers, not manage them)

Sorry, cannot name any specific names.


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