[nycphp-talk] Good project management tool?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Apr 19 07:38:01 EDT 2010

I'm a huge fan of Redmine ( and use it pretty much
for everything I do - documents, files, release planning, resource
planning, bugs/tracker, wiki... There's also a voting plugin that
allows folks to vote on features, which is cool.

There's a demo site if you want to check it out: (

I know there are some PHP efforts underway to replicate these
features, but I've always been a bit impatient :-)

Lastly this is a great excuse to take a peek at what RoR apps can look
like under the hood. If you've ever wondered what the RoR hubbub was
about, this is your chance to see for yourself.

-- Mitch

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