[nycphp-talk] Where does Zend's Development Environment find its PHP extensions?

Tim Gales tgales at
Fri Jan 7 16:13:47 EST 2005

>  I chose to install ZDE with PHP5 support on Windows XP.
> ZDE bundles a PHP 5 CGI binary stored in C:\Program 
> The integrated debugger uses this binary to parse and execute 
> I was using the 'local debugger', not the 'server debugger'.
> You can debug a file with the following contents to see which 
> the Zend PHP binary supports: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
> The output of that file lists a whole bunch of extensions, but I 
> not find them anywhere in the C:\Program Files\Zend\ directory! 
> was no 'ext' subdirectory' and there were no .dll files)
> The php.ini file is also stored in the same location
> The php.ini file contains only three lines:
> zend_extension_ts=C:\Program Files\Zend\lib\php5\ZendDebuggerLocal.dll
> zend_debugger.allow_hosts=
> session.save_path=C:\Program Files\Zend\tmp
> I then tried to debug a file with a call to mysql_connect() but that 
> resulted in the output of 'undefined function', so I am now trying to 
> find out how I can make Zend's PHP binary support it.
> It is probably compiled without MySQL support, but would swapping in 
> another PHP CGI binary help? I was thinking it would not, because 
> seems to be a custom-built PHP binary.
> Any thoughts on this?

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T. Gales & Associates
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